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proyectos 2020

Este año, nuestros equipos Impulsores del Cambio se unieron con el objetivo de reducir el plástico de un solo uso. Sin embargo, el mundo tenía un desafío adicional para ellos:  la pandemia de Covid-19 llegó a las Islas Baleares justo cuando comenzó el Proyecto. Estamos muy orgullosos de los equipos que, a pesar de las dificultades para trabajar juntos durante el confinamiento, superaron el obstáculo y nos presentaron estos fantásticos proyectos ambientales.

Brad Robertson


Presidente y cofundador

Save The Med Foundation

"Participar en el proyecto Impulsores del Cambio tiene el potencial no solo de encontrar soluciones a los problemas ambientales, sino también de cambiar la vida de los estudiantes. Pueden encontrar la inspiración clave que enfoque su vida en una dirección muy positiva y beneficiosa. Animo a todos los estudiantes que cumplen con los criterios a participar y convertirse en Impulsores del Cambio! ¡Es una experiencia genial a muchos niveles!"

felicitaciones a todos nuestros Impulsores del Cambio
Equipos Impulsores del Cambio 2020
Haz clic en las imágenes de cada proyecto para ver más

Team Kokua

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Queens College

  • Quique

  • Tomy

  • Mauro

  • Jaime

  • Victor

  • Jordi

  • Ignacio

"“Kokua” is a word from Hawaiian culture that signifies HELP. We are all aware of the dilemma regarding plastic within our ecosystems. We are 7 boys who are eager to help the problem concerning single-use plastic. Our aims and objectives are to find ways to solve this ongoing problem.

As we were in quarantine, we thought that an online programmed game could help spread awareness. This game engages younger audiences and teaches them about single use plastics in an innovative and enjoyable learning experience."

Video Games

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"We also had an idea of going to schools around Mallorca to encourage the schools to sell eco-merienda packs so that all the aluminium and plastic sandwich wrappers shouldn't need to be used. Those eco-merienda packs are 100% plastic free and with a bamboo tap. In a future there can be a possibility of reaching an agreement to sell them to schools."


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"Our animal passionists (Tomy) drew this drawing to show the great impact that plastic has on our ecosystem."


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IES Bendinat

Ayudanos a Conseguir el 0%


  • Instagram
  • Violeta 

  • Maria 

  • Carmen 

  • Zoe 

  • Adriana

"Queremos conseguir que las playas y bosques estén al 0% de residuos. Es habitual que la mayoría de los residuos que nos encontramos sean plásticos. Queremos animar a la gente a que vea la cantidad de basura que es desechada por cada uno de nosotros en los sitios públicos y darles a entender que no es una cosa que se tenga que tomar a la ligera y que hay que actuar antes de que sea irreversible."


"Nuestra idea era empezar nuestra experiencia con un concurso en el que se involucrasen todos los niveles educativos. La clase que consiga la mayor cantidad de basura será la recompensada. La basura se separará y se pesará según su categoría y se reutilizará la que sea posible para realizar manualidades a la vez de concienciar a los alumnos del colegio de Bendinat, luego se hará una tabla de valores que indique la cantidad de puntos ganados según el peso de cada material."

Project Nero

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Queens College

If drops can make oceans, you can make a difference.


  • Instagram
  • Maria

  • Aryan

  • Irene

  • Marco

  • Juan

  • Luca

"We’ve all been trying to reduce our usage of single-use plastics for years but one can only do so much. We finally now have the opportunity to try to make an impact on a bigger scale and try to unite people to work together as one and fight against our severe problems. "

Save The MedProject Nero
00:00 / 03:07

In addition to the 3r's (reduce,reuse and recycle) we introduce to you, the fourth 'R':​ Replace

Project Webpage and Zero-plastic guide

"Here you will find replacements for many plastics as well as where to buy them and how many kg of plastic you would reduce by using the replacements instead of 1000 plastic objects (for example if instead of using 1000 plastic bottles during a 1 year period you used a hydroflask you would prevent 18 kg of plastic ending up in the sea) . There are specialised tables for travellers, teenagers and schools."


Thalassa Team

We Are The Future

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Queens College


  • Instagram
  • Paula

  • Sophia

  • Aina

  • Rita

  • Naima

  • Ana

"It is our generation that is going to have to deal with the consequences of plastic consumption. It might be too late to change adults’ mindset but not children's. WE ARE THE FUTURE. And the future is closer than we think. If we want to have a chance against global warming and plastic pollution we need our generation to put their differences aside and cooperate. It’s the only way."

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Reducing plastic

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"We have helped to reduce, at long term, after having convinced the head of administration at our school to change the source of water. Thanks to their cooperation and interest in our project they acceded. As soon as we get back to school, the water used to drink will be purified instead than from 6L plastic containers."

"These are the bags that we have designed for our project! They are specially designed to do your daily shopping and replace the massive plastic consumption. They are all made from recycled materials..."

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